Our multidisciplinary clinic offers a wide range of treatments tailored to each patient's individual needs. We offer both preventative and physical rehabilitation clinics and all of our therapists will go the extra mile to help to get your body and mind back to their most optimal functioning. Feel free to browse our body chart to find out which are the most common problems we treat, or simply go to our individual therapies' pages below.
Counselling & Psychotherapy services for children and adults.
Conditions treated include: Anxiety and phobic responses, depression, addictions and emotional disturbance. Habits such as nail biting and smoking
Conditions treated include: Neck and upper back pain, whiplash, arthritis (wear and tear), nerve root and disc problems, headaches, cervical headaches
Conditions treated include: Shoulder pain, rotator cuff problems, dislocations, bursitis, frozen shoulder, fractures and tendon and impingement problems
Back, Pelvis and Hip
Conditions treated include: Back pain, sacro-iliac joint problems, pubic pain (often pregnancy related), groin strains, hip osteoarthritis, total hip replacements, gluts, quadriceps, hamstring adductor strains muscle, iliotibial band (ITB) syndrome, sciatica, post surgical rehab, rib problems, Ankylosing Spondylitis, disc problems, muscular strains, slipped discs, sciatica, degenerative wear and tear, spondylolisthesis, osteoporosis, facet joint, arthritis (wear and tear), postural problems, weak core
Conditions treated include: Elbow pain, fractures, tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, bursitis, tendon problems
Womens health
Childbearing: Pregnancy and postpartum conditions, postnatal rectus diastasis (tummy gap). Breathing issues. Digestive problems. Sexual dysfunction. Incontinence including : stress, urge, or overactive bladder, voiding difficulties, bowel dysfunctions, feacal or gas Incontinence, prolapse, constipation. Pelvic Pain Conditions including : Pelvic Floor Tension Myalgia, Levator Ani Syndrome, Vaginismus, Vulvodynia, Interstitial Cystitis / Painful Bladder Syndrome, Pudendal Neuropathy and Neuralgia
Pessary fitting service
Mummy MOT
Menopause Care
Women's Health Physio Osteopathy Acupuncture Menopause Care & Dietetics
Wrist / Hand
Conditions treated include: wrist sprains, tendon injury/inflammation, carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis (wear and tear), fractures, work related aches and pains of wrist, hand and forearm. finger and hand fractures and dislocations, arthritis, tendon and nerve injuries and carpal tunnel syndrome, Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Conditions treated include: knee pain, arthritis (wear and tear of the knee joint or knee cap), total knee replacements, meniscal (cartilage) tears, Anterior Cruciate / medial / lateral ligament tears, runner's knee, Osgood Schlatter's disease, fractures and dislocations and post surgical rehabsurgery.
Physiotherapy Osteopathy Massage Therapy Acupuncture Podiatry / Chiropody
Lower leg, Ankle and foot
Conditions treated include: Foot and ankle pain, ankle strains & sprains, shin splints, compartment syndromes, stress fractures, fractures, calf strains and ruptures, achilles, perineal and tibialise posterior tendon problems, post surgery rehab, plantar fasciitis, fractures and dislocations, post foot surgery, metatarsalgia.
Podiatry / Chiropody Physiotherapy Osteopathy Reflexology Acupuncture