Corns & Calluses
Corns or calluses are hard or thick areas of skin that have formed on the feet. Corns are small lumps of skin and calluses are hard, thick, larger patches of skin. Both are caused by continuous and excessive friction (rubbing) and pressure often by shoes that do not fit or wearing shoes without socks. Neither are serious when dealt with professionally. Occassionally, surgical or orthopaedic measures may be required to treat.
A bunion or otherwise known as hallux valgas, is a painful, bony lump that develops on the inside of the foot at the big toe joint. They develop slowly over time and commonly occur due to continued stress on the big toe joint from shoes or continued, uneven pressure. Other causes include inflammatory disesases such as rheumatoid arthritis or some people inherit feet that are more likely to develop bunions due to their shape and structure. This bony lump can become red and inflamed and over time, will make it painful to walk or wear shoes. Hard skin can also develop due to the deformity in the joint and the friction caused.